Didgeridoo Down Under Show in Carrabelle
July 3, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Franklin County Public Library’s Summer Reading Program is excited to present a fun and fascinating program featuring Australian music, culture and entertainment on Monday, July 3rd with the Didgeridoo Down Under Show at 11:00 AM at the Carrabelle Branch Library and at 2:00 PM at the Eastpoint Branch Library. Library programs are free and open to the public and participants do not need a library card to participate.
The Didgeridoo Down Under Show is an energetic fusion of Australian music, culture, art, science, comedy, character building and audience participation. The didgeridoo has been played by Aboriginal Australians for at least 1,500 years, and is known for its otherworldly sound. During the show, presenters will play a variety of exotic didgeridoos and world percussion instruments. They also use a multitude of props – maps, globes, artwork, puppets, motivational signs and more – to deliver educational lessons and empowering messages. The program is very participatory, and several segments involve kids playing instruments, dancing or acting out a story. It’s interactive, educational, motivational and super fun for all ages!
Franklin County Public Library Eastpoint Branch is located at 160 Hickory Dip Rd, Eastpoint, FL. For more information about Eastpoint Library activities, contact the Eastpoint Branch Library at (850) 670-8151. The Carrabelle Branch Library is located at 311 St. James Ave. SE (Hwy 98), Carrabelle. For more information on Carrabelle activities, call the Carrabelle Branch at (850) 697-2366. Or go to https://fcpl.wildernesscoast.org/summer-reading.
The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries. Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports the Franklin County Public Libraries in Eastpoint and Carrabelle, Florida.
Summer Reading is an annual program that brings children, teens, and families into local public libraries for reading and activities. The benefits to readers in a summer reading program include encouraging a lifelong reading habit, attracting reluctant readers through activities, helping children keep their skills up over the summer, and generating interest in the library and books plus the program can provide great summer fun and an opportunity for family time.
Carrabelle Branch Library
311 St James Ave
Carrabelle, FL 32322 + Google Map