Chamber Membership

Join the Chamber Team Today!

Call us or stop in at the office or click here for a new 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Word) or 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PDF).

As with any investment, you expect a certain amount of return. The Carrabelle Chamber is constantly working for you to deliver more Core Benefits for your Membership Investment and there are many things you can do to heighten the level of benefit you receive.  We strive to be aware and reactive to the specific needs and concerns of our Members. Simply put, our mission is to work for you! Referrals, low-cost advertising, and numerous opportunities for networking are just a few of the many benefits which accompany Chamber Membership. Isn’t it time to invest in the success of your organization and our region?

The Chamber is your connection to programs, people, information and resources. Businesses and individuals become Members because they take great pride in their community, both the economic viability and the livability of this community while preserving our unique flavor, history, culture, and natural resources. If the community is growing and prosperous, then businesses and individuals will prosper.

We are pleased to personally extend to you an invitation to join or renew your Membership in the Carrabelle Chamber of Commerce. We urge you to review the Member Benefits as well as the Investment Schedule on the Membership Application and learn how your participation can have a positive impact, not only on your business, but also on the quality of life in our region. Under “Advertising” you may want to consider a Sponsorship package. Together, we can make a difference. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime at (850) 697-2585.

Our Mission:

The Chamber’s mission is for the purpose of advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of the Carrabelle area. The Chamber will encourage the growth of existing industries and businesses, while giving all proper assistance to any new firms and individuals seeking to locate in the Carrabelle area. The Chamber will support all those activities believed to be beneficial to the community and area, and oppose those which might be detrimental. In general, the Chamber will promote the welfare of all area citizens following always those policies intended to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number.

Membership Investment & Advertising Rates:

Individual Supporter$75
Non-Profit Assoc/Government Org$75
– Additional location$25
General Business$125
– Additional location$50
Real Estate Agent$125
Real Estate Broker / Vacation Rental Mgmt$250
– Additional location$50
Utilities, Bank, Hospital, Educational Facility$275
Lodging under 15 rooms$150
Lodging 15+ rooms$225

For information on additional options like Website Banner Ads, Internet Leads or Additional Member Categories see the Membership Application. Click here to download the 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Word) or 2024-25 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PDF).