20th Annual Kingfish Shootout Fishing Tournament + Red Snapper
June 17, 2023 @ 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

20th Annual Kingfish Shootout + Red Snapper
Sat June 17, 2023
7:00 am to 6:00 pm
501 St, James Avenue, Hwy 98, Carabelle, FL
This weekend event gives everyone an opportunity to enjoy themselves while advocating a wonderful cause that helps so many. All proceeds go to the Leukemia Research Foundation. Over $1,114,000 raised in the past 19 years.
REGISTER NOW at https://c-quartersmarina.com/kingfish-shootout-registration-form/
We are happy to announce the 20th Annual Kingfish Shootout to be held on June 17, 2023 with the Captain’s Meeting at C-Quarters Marina the night of June 16th. There will be three categories, Kingfish, Spanish Mackerel, and Red Snapper.
The guaranteed payout will be $22,000! You can win $5,000 for the biggest Kingfish, $2,000 for the biggest Spanish Mackerel, and $3,000 for the biggest Red Snapper. Teams can enter one fish in each category. Team registration fee is $250 per boat. After June 2nd, the entry fee will be $300 per boat. Any donation of $1,000 or more will receive a free boat entry.
We will also offer Calcutta division, Target weight, Youth Angler (16 & under), and Lady Angler, with more details at our captains meeting. Youth and Lady Angler must catch their fish unassisted and be entered as youth/lady angler on the team registration.
With continuing thoughts of Lisa Crowder Jackson and Mr. Jimmie Crowder, we are excited about the potential positive impact this event is going to have not only for the Leukemia Research Foundation, but the City of Carrabelle and Franklin County as a whole. You may also donate directly to The Leukemia Research Foundation. If you prefer to donate via check or money order, please use this PDF form- https://c-quartersmarina.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Donation-form.pdf
Thank you to all our previous sponsors and anglers, with your help we have donated nearly $1.2 million dollars to the Leukemia Research Foundation. We hope to see you with the catch of a lifetime, winning $5,000 for 1st place Kingfish, $2,000 for 1st place Spanish Mackerel, and $3,000 for 1st place Red Snapper.
Tournament Director
Kristy Crowder
C-Quarters Marina
501 St. James Ave.
Carrabelle, 32322 + Google Map
(850) 697-8400