Capital Area Community Action Agency

Having trouble making ends meet? Need to save money on your monthly bills? Need pre-K child care? We help people in crisis make ends meet while assisting those in poverty to become independent.
- Utilities & Rental Assistance-We can help pay your utility bill or rent for income eligible residents.
- Home Energy Efficiency-Save money on your monthly bills with insulation and more.
- Head Start-Free pre-K child Care to children from low income families.
Since 1965, this agency has worked hard to provide a safety net for our community’s poor. One of 1,000 community action agencies in the country, we are the boots on the ground to help people in crisis when they have trouble making ends meet while assisting those in poverty who want to become independent of government assistance.
Capital Area is ready to assist those eligible families who need help paying their electric bill or find stable housing. The Agency can help eligible clients weatherize their homes so residents can better afford food or medicine.
For young children from low-income families, Head Start is an incredible pre-school program to get students ready for kindergarten. Head Start offers free medical care to the kids. Family Advocates work with the parents to help them achieve more financial independence.
The Getting Ahead program works with individuals and families who have made the decision that they no longer want to live in poverty. The Agency’s curriculum to assist clients to better understand the causes of poverty, set life goals and provide support to help them work out of poverty to a life that is thriving.
Our community is only as strong as the weakest amongst us. Nearly a quarter of all residents in our eight-county service area live in poverty. This greatly exceeds the state and national poverty rates. We must and can do better.
Please call if you’d like to know more about the Agency and how you can get involved with helping low income individuals become independent.
Tim Center, Chief Executive Officer
The Capital Area Community Action Agency, Inc. (Community Action), is a private non-profit organization-501(c)(3) created in 1965. Over the years, it assumed sponsorship of antipoverty programs in Gadsden, Jefferson, Calhoun, Liberty, Franklin, Gulf and Wakulla Counties and these were added to the Capital Area Community Action Area service area.
Your donation – no matter how small – can help make difference to a senior needing their lights turned on, a family in need of child care or an individual taking the first steps towards getting ahead. Capital Area Community Action Agency, Inc. provides many opportunities for volunteers as interns, work-study students, community service hours or members of the community who would like to lend a helping hand. If you would like to be a volunteer member of our team please click on the website link for the volunteer questionnaire/application.
Categories: Associations/Organizations